The Foundation employs a two step grant making process.
Any organization seeking grant consideration must complete a Preliminary Proposal form at the Board’s direction. The form, as well instructions for its completion, is contained in Preliminary Proposal. Its content should be limited to the two page format provided.
Preliminary Proposals will be reviewed promptly by the Board of Directors of the Foundation. Following this review, the Foundation will notify organizations of the results.
The purpose of the Preliminary Proposal step is twofold: (1) to allow an organization the opportunity to provide initial information about a proposed need in a high level format and (2) to enable the Foundation to respond quickly to that information. The Foundation is sensitive to the resources expended by organizations in completing formal grant proposals. If by reason of request purpose, interest emphasis, or Foundation funding priorities, it concludes that a request may not be a good, current “fit”, the Foundation wishes to communicate this decision as soon as possible.
Organizations selected to complete a formal grant application must do so in accordance with the instructions contained in Grant Application. Following a careful review by the Directors of all applications received, organizations will be notified in writing of funding decisions.
Selection to submit a formal grant application should not suggest to an organization that its grant request will be automatically funded or if funded, at the level that the organization requested.
Personal contact with individual Directors regarding a Preliminary Proposal or formal grant application is discouraged.
It is important for organizations seeking grant funding from the Beirne Carter Foundation to understand that it is only the Directors as a group that make each decision. Once made, the decision is communicated in writing except in very rare circumstances. The volume of Preliminary Proposals and formal grant applications as well as the subjective considerations involved preclude the Foundation from critiquing unsuccessful Preliminary Proposals or applications, and inquiries of this nature should not be made.
At any point during the grant making process, the Foundation may request additional, clarifying information from the organization. In addition, the Directors may ask for a site visit during the grant making process or following the award of a grant.
Preliminary proposals and grant applications may be requested by the Board of Directors at any time during the year. There are no deadlines.